I'm Oyindrila from Chittagong, Bangladesh, working as a freelance UX / UI designer.
I decided to teach myself design, while I was interning as an Android App (Front-end) Developer back in 2020. I was curious to know about the decisions behind the codes I was writing and 'Why' we could not choose to make small design changes that appeared better solutions for my team and me. So, after I graduated and we were all trapped in a pandemic, unable to find a job, I took the opportunity and started learning extensively about design from online courses, articles, and YouTube videos. And I must say, it has been transformative.
I aim to design for a sustainable future where the products are more inclusive and accessible to all without having to compromise with the business needs.
Since the overall tech industry is so dynamic, it holds a great influence on people in modern times. And I firmly believe, we can leverage design to build products and services that can bring in those worthwhile changes needed for a healthier planet.